How Do I Get a License to Become a Private Investigator in Florida?
So, you're asking yourself, "Do I Have to Get a License to do Private Investigator Work in Florida?" Legal requirements to become a Private Investigator vary from state to state. Florida is among the states that require Private Investigators to become licensed, which is a two-step process.
How Do I Become a Private Investigator in Florida?
First, you’ll need to take a 40-hour Florida Private Investigator “CC” Intern Training Course that meets the State of Florida’s Division of Licensing requirements. An applicant for this Class "CC" license must be sponsored by a Class "C”, "M”, or "MA” licensee (Class “C” is a full private investigator while Classes “M” and “MA” refer to managers of private investigative agencies).
Class “CC” licensing classifies you as a Private Investigator Intern and allows you to gain experience at an internship with a licensed private investigation agency.
You can then become eligible to receive your Class “C” licensing for Private Investigation. An applicant for the Class “C” Private Investigator License must have two years of lawfully gained, verifiable, full-time experience, and pass an examination that deals directly with the business practices of private investigation.
What Happens Once You Get Your Class C License in Florida?
Once you receive your Class “C” license, you’re considered a full-fledged Private Investigator. Your classes may not stop there, though. Continuing education may be required for certain fields such as insurance adjusters and TPA Compliance Training.
National Investigative Training Academy, Inc. (NITA) is an online provider of state-approved Private Investigator training classes so you can get your license in states like Florida and Georgia. If you’d like to become a licensed Private Investigator, we offer both pre-licensing and continuing education classes taught by experienced, knowledgeable experts. Enroll today.
Online Classes Available From NITA
Ready to learn more about doing Private Investigator work in Florida? The National Investigative Training Academy, Inc. (NITA), an online provider of state-approved and accredited Private Investigator training classes, offers a variety of resources that can help you decide if private investigation would be a positive career choice. Learn more by calling 1-800-730-NITA (6482), reading our FAQs, or by exploring our course offerings.
Our enrollment counselors are here to answer any questions you might have about our state- and board-approved status, pre-licensing training, or professional development programs.